Crash Courses (Reading)

You are going to read a newspaper article about children's safety. Choose the most suitable heading from the list for each part of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

Crasg courses

It is a typical urban scene. Two cars are parked close together at the kerbside and a child is attempting to cross the road from between them. Down the street, another car looms. Houses flank the pavements and around the corner there is a brightly-lit petrol station.

It is all extraordinarily realistic, but it is unreal. For the difference between this and thousands of similar locations throughout the country is that this street is indoors- it is mock-up designed by studio set-builders from Anglia Television.

We are standing inside a converted warehouse in Milton Keynes, home of a project which is the blueprint for an excitiing new way of teaching children safety awareness, especially road safety. It is called Hazard Alley. If the centre proves successful and, having visited it, I am convinced it will, then its imaginative approach could easily be copied throughout the country.

The project was started by the local authority in conjunction with the police. The finance came from commercial sponsoship by companies including Coca-Cola, Wokswagen and Anglia TV. There is already a catchy cartoon character mascot for the centre: Haza, the Haza Alley cat.

A novel setting for children to be taught and practise a wide range of safety topics, Hazard Alley takes its name from the dark alleyway in the centre of the converted warehouse which links the urban street scene and a series of country sets that focus on rural safety. As well as road drill, children are tutored in home safety and how to avoid trouble in playgrounds, parks, alleyways, near railways and on farmland.

In the street scene, children practise the safe way to cross a road, incluiding coping with parked vehicles, and are given a practical understanding of how long it takes a car to stop when travelling at 30 mph. Could the car they see looming down the road stop in time if a child stepped out between the parked cars? No, it would be through that wall at the end before it finished braking, 23 metres after the driver started to brake.

On the mock-up petrol station forecourt, provided by Shell, the youngsters learn  the dangers when filling a vehicle with petrol. They discuss car fires, the flammability of different components, wht the car's engine must be switched off and why smoking and using a car phone are illegal on a garage forecourt.

Hazard Alley is gearing up for its official opening, and the local schools which have experienced it so far have been testing out the centre before it launches into a full programme of group visits. It is already proving immensely popular. Eventually it may open to individual family groups. When that happens, it will be well worth a day trip: children will love it and they could learn something which may save their lives.

A. Dangers off the road too
B. Trial period
C. Not what it appears to be
D. Dangerous driving
E. Dangers of fuel
F. First of many?
G. Learning to judge
H. Funds from industry
I. Danger in the city


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