Antarctica (Relative Clauses Part I)

Antarctica and Dinosaurs

Antarctica is mainly known for the penguins and seals which/ that live there, but recently scientists have discovered the remains of two dinosaurs which/that lived there millions of years ago. These are not the first dinosaur fossils which/that have been discovered in Antarctica, and bring the total to eight. The first new discovery was a plant-eating dinosaur which/that was found by a mountin climber. Scientists who/that  examined the fossils say it is a plant-eating dinosaur which is nearly 200 million years old. The parts of the animal which/that/*  they examined suggest that it was nine metres long and two metres tall. Dinosaurs which/that have been found in other parts of the world are as long as 30 metres, however. So this specimen, the discovery which/that has excited researchers, is rather small.

On the other side of Antarctica, dinosaur bones which/that were discovered by accident have also proved interesting. This second dinosaur was a meat-eater which/that stood about two metres all. Scientists who/that were sheltering from bad weather found the bones near the sea. The dinosaur they discoveres, whose bones were next to fossils of sea life probable dies and was washed out to sea after its death. Dinosaurs are creatures which/that could not survive in cold conditions, but in their time, Antarctica was different. It didn't have the cold climate which/that/* it has today, but was warm and wet.

* = no pronoun

1. When do you have to use each relative pronoun?

2. Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence, using the relative pronouns.
  • John F Kennedy had a brother, Robert. His death was also a political assasination

  • Linnaeus was a botanist. He worked out a method of naming plants and animals

  • Marco Polo was a merchant. He visited China in the 13th century.

  • Newton is a physicist. We often discuss him.

  • Books became cheaper beacuse of new methods of printing. They used steam-powered machinery.

  • Charles Dickens edited the magazine Household Words. It was mainly his own writing.

  • Lord Byron the poet had a daughter, Ada Lovelace. Her work in mathematics led to the development of the first computer.

  • Jane Austen is an author. Most people enjoy her.


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