Holiday: On the beach and in the country

Holiday: On the beach and in the country

At the beach

Many people spend their holiday in seaside resorts where they can spend most of their time on the beach. Some people enjoy swimming, others love sunbathing or lying on the beach. If you like sunbathing, you should use suntan lotion yo help you get a tan and protect your skin. If you don’t have any protection, you may get sunburn, which is painful and can be dangerous. And if you want total protection you should use sunblock or sit under an beach umbrella.
Swimming can also be dangerous if there are rocks under the water or  if the sea is rough, specially close to some cliffs.

11. Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold related with the beach

In the country

People who  live in large towns often like to get away at weekends or in the summer, and enjoy the peace and quiet of the country. Some people just like to put their feet up  and occasionally go for a stroll; while others enjoy hiking across hills and valleys. And the countryside is a great place to have a picnic.

22. Try to guess the meaning of the words in bold related with the country.

33.  Fill in the gaps with a suitable word.

·         Would you prefer a holiday in a seaside _______________ or a holiday in the country?
·         Would you prefer to stay in one place,  or would you rather go to _______________ places?
·         Would you prefer to spend your time ______________ on a beach or would you rather go for long walks?
·         Would you prefer to stay in a hotel or ______________ an apartment?
·         Would you prefer toe at in a restaurant or have a _____________ in the open air?
·         Would you prefer somewhere that was quite lively, or would you rather go to a place where there was peace and__________________?

44. Speaking or Writing Time!
Now it’s speaking or writing time, so you can answer the questions in exercise 3 or you can talk about what you prefer, the beach or the country side, and explain why.


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