Stacy (Present Simple II)


1. Complete the following text about Stacy with the correct verb tense
Stacy is a singer. She ____________ (love) to sing. She ___________ (be) in a band. She ____________ (sing) in the band. She is the lead singer. Sometimes she___________ (play) the piano. 

Chad ___________ (be) Stacy's boyfriend. He is also in the band. He ____________ (stand) next to Stacy. He ___________ (play) the electric guitar. Sometimes Chad ____________ (sing) with Stacy.

Dean ___________ (be) Chad and Stacy's friend. He ____________ (be) also in the band. He _____________ (stand) next to Chad. He ____________ (play) bass guitar. Dean ______________ (not sing). He _____________ (not like) to sing.

The band _____________ (practice) three times a week. They mostly _______________ (perform) at nightclubs. Sometimes they _____________ (sing) at weddings. They ________ (be) a very good band.

2. Answer the following questions about Stacy and her band
  • What does Stacy do in the band? How does Stacy feel about singing?
  • Who is Chad? What instrument does Chad play in the band?
  • Who is Dean? Where does the band mostly perform?

3. Speaking and Writing time!
Now it's your turn. Write or speak with your teacher about one group of music that you like. Tell all the information about the band and its members.

  • Who is the singer
  • Which instrument plays each one
  • Their role in the band
  • Why you like them
  • What kind of music they do 


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