The World of Work (Vocabulary)

The World of Work

  • All most people want is a job that pays a decent wage.
  • Out of the original  fifty applicants, only eight made it to the final interview round.
  • The college asked for volunteers for the trainee/apprentice hairdressers to practice on.
  • The day shift starts at 5:30 a.m.
  • The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance.
  • John slept through lunch after getting home from the graveyard shift.
  • I'm doing some overtime this week, as I need extra money.
  • The boss has spent too much money and the accountant is worried there won't be enough left to cover the payroll.

1. Try to guess the meaning of the previous words in bold

2. Find the correct synonym to the following words
  • Payment
  • Turn
  • Receipts
  • Additional

3. Speaking time!
  • Does school really prepare people for the world of work? Do you think 
  • it's preparing you? 
  •  Would you do a job you didn't like for a lot of money?  If you did that 
  • what problems do you think you'd have? 
  • Do you think some sportsmen e.g. footballers earn too much money? 
  • If they earn so much money should they be role models for the rest of 
  • society? 
  • Some people say that everyone must get the same salary no matter 
  • what the job is, do you agree? If not why not? 
  • If there were a law that said all students over 18 must do a holiday 
  • job, would you be happy about it?  What are the advantages of 
  • working in the school holidays?    
  • Do you think companies have to pay for their employees to do sport to 
  • keep them fit? 
  • In companies it's a good idea for them to provide baby and childcare 
  • facilities to help their female staff? 
  • What sort of job do you want to do and why? 
  • Do you think it's accepted in society now for a man to be a house 
  • husband? Would you be prepared to do it?  (For the boys only) 


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