Eating out (Vocabulary)

Places where you can eat

What do you think the following places are?
  • Café
  • Restaurant
  • Pub/Bar
  • Sandwich bar
  • Fast Food Restaurant
  • Self-service restaurant

Which place do you prefer to have breakfast/ have lunch/ have dinner/ have a drink?

Ordering Food

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Customer: Yes, I would like as starter a Classic greek salad and as main couse a ribeye steak.

Waiter: Would you like the steak with chips or jacket potato?

Customer: With jaket potato, please.

Waiter: And how would you like the steak - rare, medium or well-done?

Customer: Rare, please.

Waiter: And what would you like to drink?

Customer: Could you bring me the wine list, please?

Waiter: Yes, of course. Here you have.

Customer: I would like a glass of red wine, please.

Waiter: Ok, perfect.


Waiter: Is everything all right?

Customer: Yes, thank you.

Waiter: Would you like a dessert?

Customer: I would like Homemade cheese cake and the bill, please.

Waiter:  Ok.   Here you have.

Speaking Time!!

Now you have to imagine that you go to a restaurant and prepare a role-game in which one person is the waiter and the other is the customer. 


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