Phrasal Verbs (Solving Problems Part II)

Finding a Solution

Robert faced up to  the fact that he would have to do the important presentation himself, so he immediately contacted his personal assistant to ask him to see about postponing his meetings for the next day. As for the thefts, he realised that the solution to finding the office thief lay in working out exactly who could have been in the office when each of the thefts took place. So he came up with a plan that enabled him to check who had been there at each of the times concerned. That narrowed down the suspects to two people. He questioned them both and the guilty one soon confessed.

1. Try to guess the meaning of the phrasal verbs in bold related with finding a solution.

2. A father is talking to his son who he thinks is very lazy. The underlined expressions have got mixed up. The particles are correct, but the verbs are incorrect. Put the correct verbs n(Maybe you need to review the previous post Solving Problems Part I).

It's time you faced yourself out. You're 23 now and you still haven't got a job! You've got to come up to  reality. It's about time you realised that the secret of success talks in taking positive action. Over the next couple of days, I will expect you to lie up with a few ideas about how you're going to improve your situation, or else you can go and live somewhere else. Why don't you go and sort about that job Uncle Herbert offered you at his factory? I've offered to help deal things over with you, but you never seem to want my help. Yet you don't see with things yourself. Sometimes I think you're just a waste of space!

3. Speaking and Writing Time!!
Now you can write or speak about your problems and how you solve them. 


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