Phrasal Verbs (The Classroom)

Things the teacher says

  • Give in /Hand in your homework tomorrow, please.
  • Louis, give out/ hand out these worksheets, please.
  • Tom, rub out what's written on the board, please.
  • Work out the answers without using a calculator.
  • Cros out any rough work when you have found the answer.
  • Take care not to miss out any of the exam questions

1. What does the teacher want when she says the previous expressions?

Other classroom phrasal verbs

  • Tamara was ill for a month and so she fell behind with her schoolwork. She is going to find it difficult to catch up.
  • Pupils often play up when a teacher is new or inexperienced.
  • Although Maggie had done good work throughout the year she messed up her exam.
  • The teacher cleared the books from the table and spread out the map.

2. Try to guess the meaning of the previous phrasal verbs

3. Would Clay's parents be pleased or not if their son's teacher told them the following?
  • Clay was playing up in class last week.
  • Clay messed up his homework.
  • Clay has been helping a classmate who has fallen behind.
  • Clay has caught up with the rest of the class.
  • Clay didn't hand in his homework.
  • Clay missed out some important work.
4. Rewrite these sentences using more informal phrasal verbs instead of the underlined verbs.
  • Students often misbehave when they are bored in class.
  • The teacher erased  the new words from the board and then tested us.
  • We have to submit our registration forms for the exam on Friday.
  • I usually omit my middle name when I am filling in forms.
  • Some people were distributing leaflets about a demonstration in the town centre.

5. Let's talk!
  • Why are you often asked to cross out rough work in an exam?
  • If a teacher gives out a sheet listing all the kings and queens of Britain, is tht a worksheet or a handout or both?
  • Why do must pupils carry an eraser in their pencil cases?
  • How easy would it be for you to work out how many euros are equal to 250$?
  • What do you think is the reason for pupils playing up in class?


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