Idioms (Success and Failure)

When things go well...

  • If something makes all the difference, then it has a very good effect on a situation or a thing.
  • If something works/ goes/ runs like a dream, then it works/ goes/ runs very well indeed.
  • If something works like magic, then it works immediately and very well indeed.
  • If something goes from strength to strength, then it gets better and better.
  • If something does the trick, the it solves a problem very well.
  • If something is the be-all-and-end-all, then it is the most important thing.
  • If something is/ turns out to be a blessing in disfuise, then it has a good effect even though at first it seemed it would be bad.

1. Try to guess the meaning of the previous Idioms in your own language.

...and when they don't

  • If someone/something is a victim of their/its own success, then their/its success has negative effects as well as or instead of positive ones.
  • If someone doesn't have the ghost of a chance, then  they have no chance at all.
  • If  someone/something gives up the ghost, then they/it stop(s) working or they stop trying to succeed because they know they will not.
  • If someone/ something leaves their/ its mark, then they have/ it has an effect (usually negative) that changes someone or something for ever.

2. Try to guess the meaning of the previous Idioms in your own language.

3. Who would be most likely to say these remarks?

  1. It left its mark on me.
    1. someone who had just split red wine over themselves.
    2. someone who taught in a very bad school for ten years.
    3. someone who had a wonderful birthday party.
  2. I'm a victim of my own success.
    1. someone who wan a lot of monet then spent it all.
    2. a students who always passes every exam they take.
    3. a popular teacher whose class everyone wants to be in.
  3. I don't think I'll ever hit the big time.
    1. a rock musician who is popular in local clubs.
    2. an athlete who has just got a place in an Olympic team.
    3. a dentist with a very heavy schedule of appointments.
  4. Work isn't the be-all-and-end-all in my life.
    1. someone who is unemployed.
    2. someone who has a lot of interesting hobbies.
    3. someone who never finishes  job they start.

4. Let's talk!
Talk about any situation in which you have succeed or fail using some of the Idioms we have learned.
