Phrasal Verbs (Starting and Finishing)


  • The kitchen looked as if it hadn't been cleaned or tidied for months but Jessica set about making it look as good as new.
  • We set out at 7 a.m. and didn't return until after dark.
  • Yvonne started out as a model but soon realised that it was not the career for her.


Joe called off the building work his team was doing on the new company offices because he had heard that the company was going bankrupt. He knew the money was going to dry up, so he was not prepared to continue. Most of the team immediately broke off what they were doing but some of them firsr finished off the task they were working on. Joe himself quickly polished off the last of his paperwork and then paked up too.

Suzanna is trying to give up smoking. At first she cut down to five rather than fifteen a day, but she is finding it very hard. She says that a cigarette helps her to wind down after a hard day at work. She hopes her determination won't fizzle out after a few weeks as she is very anxious not to give up this new regime.

1. Try to guess the meaning of the previous Phrasal Verbs.

2. Let's talk!
  • What should you set about doing soon, even though you don't really want to?
  • Can you think of something you were planning to do but then were forced to call off?
  • What helps you to wind down when you are tired or stressed?
  • What do you eat or drink too much of which you think you should cut down on?
  • What did you once start off doing but later gave up?


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