Common Mistakes (A letter of Apology, First)

Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of them are correct, and some have a word which should not be there.

A letter of apology

Dear Richard,
Thanks very much for your letter. It was good to hear
all your news and I'm glad that your family are all as well.

It's very kind of you to invite for me to stay with you in
the Junes, but unfortunately my final exams are that month
and I don't yet know of the dates. I think they may be in
the week that you've suggested. In any case, judging
from my last Geography results, I will need to be studying
rather more than having a good time with my friends.

As soon as I will get the dates, I'll let you know but I
don't much expect I'll be able to come. Perhaps we'll be 
able to get something organized for July. It's a long time
ever since we got together and I'd love to catch up on
what has been happening to you. If only your parents
don't want their house full of visitors in the holiday, you
could come over to stay with me. There's a plenty of 
room and the house is just at a short bike ride from the 
beach, so there would be lots to do. Let me know it if you
think this is a good idea.

Best wishes


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