Phrasal Verbs (Location)

Describing where places are

  • We stayed in a lovely hotel which was tucked away in a little valley.
  • Our room opened onto a balcony with lovely views of the countryside.
  • Fields and woods stretched away to the horizon.
  • We could see a few farmhouses which were spread out over the landscape.
  • We felt we were completely cut off from the busy modern world!

1. Try to guess the meaning of the previous Phrasal Verbs

People in locations

Deb:   Come in, John.

John:   What a great room!

Deb:   Well, I like it. It was a bit dull when I moved in, but together these nice curtains which help to brighten it up. In fact, I like it so much here that I'd rather stay in than go out most evening.

John:   You're lucky! The room I rent is so miserable that I stay out as long as I can! I even stayed on in the library tonight until it closed! Anyhow, I've come to bring you your file - you left it behind at the seminar this morning.

Deb:   Oh, thanks. How silly of me. I'm glad you noticed it.

John:   Well, I stayed behind to ask the Prof some questions and then saw it lying there.

Deb:   Thank you very much. Would you like a coffee now you're here?

John:   Well, I can't stay  now. But I'd love to call back another time if that's OK?

Deb:   Sure, that'd be nice.

2. Try to guess the meaning of the previous Phrasal Verbs.

3. Which phrasal verb means...
  • the opposite of go out, as in meet friends or go to a restaurant?
  • not come home at night or come home late?
  • forget to take something with you when you go away from a place?
  • stay in a place when other people have left?
  • make something which is dull or boring more attractive or colorful?
  • stay somewhere longer than you planned?
  • go back to a place to see someone, often to visit someone briefly or to collect something?

4. Let's Talk or Write!
Write some sentences related with your life using the previous Phrasal Verbs or if you prefer, do it talking.


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